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Bloor Homes Property Management Property Management Coomera Gold Coast Property Management p: (07) 5519 9220 m: 0409 747 670 a: 1/2 Pandanus Place Reserve Rd Upper Coomera, QLD 4209 e: Email Us
Monday - Friday 8:30am - 5.00pm Saturday 9:00am - 3.00pm Public Holidays and all other times for emergency only phone 0409 747 670.
Gold Coast’s top family suburbs: how does your neighbourhood rate?
Amy Devon and Andrew Gray with their son Beau Gray at their new Maudsland house. Picture: Glenn Hampson FAMILIES are flocking to the northern Gold Coast in droves with three suburbs making the region’s top five suburbs for families, new data reveals.
How Gold Coast real estate became a ‘gold mine’
HOMEOWNERS are sitting on real estate gold mines as the Gold Coast defies a nationwide slowdown of property prices. The Gold Coast was one of just two regional cities in Queensland to post an increase in both house and unit values over the past year.
Coomera Indoor Sports Centre
Coomera Indoor Sports Centre, the venue that will host the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games (GC2018) Artistic and Rhythmic Gymnastics as well as the Netball competition. This is a wonderful facility that will be a lasting legacy of the Commonwealth Games, and just one more reason to call the Gold Coast home.
Investors Alert: ‘Gold Coast most expensive in Queensland to rent a house’
THE GOLD Coast’s already tight rental vacancy rate has constricted to an all-time low. According to REIQ December quarter rental data, the vacancy rate of the Coast is just 1.1 per cent, dropping from 1.9 per cent the quarter before. The Coast is now one of the tightest rental markets in the state.
11 Breathtaking Waterfalls on the Gold Coast
Waterfalls on Gold Coast Waterfalls on Gold Coast. We Gold Coaster’s are a lucky bunch! Not only do we live in a place with lots of things to do, and, of course our white sandy beaches, we also have world heritage listed rain forests and breathtaking waterfalls right at our doorstep. And with Summer knocking on the…Read More→
Thriving Coomera community announces another new school (set to open in 2019)
PARENTS living in Coomera Community will soon have a new Catholic school to choose from that has a connection with Australia’s first saint. The new Catholic Prep-to-Year 12 school will be named St Joseph’s College and is expected to open on a 10ha site on Kerkin Road South in 2019.
Coomera City Centre Shopping Centre opens 25 January
Our regions newest shopping centre the Coomera City Centre will open next week. Located on the corner of Old Coach Road and Commercial St, Upper Coomera, within the established retail, commercial and residential locality of Upper Coomera, approximately 22 km north-west of Southport CBD and approximately 53 km south-east of the Brisbane CBD.